August 14, 2024 2 minutes read

Imagine this: you’ve just spent hours meticulously crafting a pitch, investing even more time in preparation than writing it. After finalizing the pitch, you use professional-grade email tracking software for engagement analysis. Despite doing everything right, you receive no response, and your open rate is less than 10%.

If this has happened to you, you might not be alone. Even if you follow consistent weekday patterns and do everything right, poor timing could be the issue. In the realm of Public Relations (PR), if you don’t adhere to strategic timing windows when sending your pitch, you might be losing a significant portion of your open rate simply due to incorrect timing.

At Wizikey, our users send hundreds of PR pitches every day across the Public Relations landscape. We analyzed data from all the pitches sent via Wizikey to generate insights and refine our pitching techniques through a comprehensive analysis of email engagement patterns from July to August 2024. 

Here’s what we found: 

Leveraging this data, we’ve crafted a user-friendly pitching schedule tailored to optimize your PR efforts.


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How to Optimize the Timing of Your Pitch

Effective Timing Windows for Your Pitches:

  • The Morning Power Hour: 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM: Capitalizing on the start of the workday this window offers high engagement potential.
  • The Afternoon Peak: 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM: This period shows the highest consistent engagement with spikes often occurring around 4:00 PM.

Periods to Approach with Caution:

  • 12:00 PM to 2:00 PM: Engagement dips slightly likely due to lunch breaks.
  • After 11:00 PM: Activity tapers off significantly in the late night hours.

While this analysis provides a robust framework for optimizing pitch timing, it cannot guarantee success without effectively monitoring media trends. To ensure you’re pitching about topics that media care about, you can use our robust keyword research tool, Explore. 

Discover trending media topics and more—access your Wizikey Dashboard today!