August 23, 2024 2 minutes read

It’s easy to focus on breaking news and headline stories. But what about the content that subtly sways opinions and builds credibility? Authored articles, penned by industry experts and thought leaders, often wield more power than the most sensational news. These in-depth analyses and opinion pieces can be game-changers for your brand—if you can spot them. At Wizikey, we’ve cracked the code on identifying these authored articles with precision, ensuring you don’t miss out on the hidden gold that can elevate your PR strategy to new heights.

Defining Authored Articles

We define authored articles as any news pieces written by individuals who aren’t regular reporters for a publication. These articles often provide unique perspectives, adding value to your PR efforts by offering a deeper understanding of the issues that matter to your audience.

How We Classify Authored Articles

To accurately classify authored articles, we’ve developed a custom algorithm. This algorithm focuses on identifying whether the article’s author is a regular reporter or a guest contributor. Unlike traditional classification methods that rely on brand or competitor keywords, our approach centers on authorship. This ensures that we capture specialized content that might otherwise be overlooked.

Accuracy You Can Trust

We’ve rigorously tested our algorithm to ensure it meets the high standards you expect. Our internal testing shows that the system accurately identifies authored articles 90-92% of the time, giving you confidence that you’re not missing out on these valuable pieces.

Navigating Potential Drawbacks

While our system is highly effective, it’s not without its challenges. Because our classification doesn’t depend on brand or competitor keywords, there’s a possibility that authored articles without these specific terms might be missed. Since Wizikey’s dashboard is primarily focused on brand and competition coverage, some authored articles might slip through. However, when brand and competition keywords are present, our system has a strong 90-92% success rate in identifying these articles.

Authored articles are a powerful tool in PR, offering deep insights and shaping public discourse. By understanding how these articles are classified on Wizikey, you can ensure they play a pivotal role in your media strategy. Our system helps you capture this essential content with high accuracy, enabling you to stay ahead in the PR game.