June 27, 2024 2 minutes read

In the ever-evolving landscape of Public Relations (PR), the ability to effectively analyze and strategize is essential for staying ahead of the curve. Picture this: you have the capability to track every media mention, evaluate your brand’s performance over time, and size up the competition.

Wizikey’s Brand Coverage Reports provide a comprehensive view of where and how your brand is being mentioned across various channels, offering insights into reach and impact.
Self-ComparisonReport analysis allow you to benchmark progress and identify trends, while Competition Comparison Reports illuminate market positioning and strategic opportunities. 

We know you love our brand coverage report, self-comparison report, and competition comparison report? Get ready to take your analysis game to the next level with our latest addition—the Face-Off Report!Here’s what you’ll get – comparative analysis of any two brands you get to select for comparison over a selected date range.

Reports – Select Report Content

Creating your Face-Off Report is a breeze. Here’s how:

  1. Pick Your Project: Start by selecting the project you want to analyze.
  2. Choose Your Brands: Select Brand 1 from the dropdown list and pick Brand 2 for comparison. Ready for a showdown?
  3. Select the Country: Choose the country you want to focus on for your analysis.
  4. Set the Date Range: Define the timeframe for your comparison to get the most relevant data
  5. Select Report Content: Head to the content selection section and pick a few or all the options below for a side-by-side comparative analysis.

And voilà! Your customized Face-Off Report is ready for download.

What’s Included in Your Face-Off Report?

  • Overall Summary: Get a quick snapshot of the comparative performance of both brands.
  • Top Publications (Online & Print): Discover which publications are talking about your brands the most.
  • Summary (Online News): A detailed overview of your online news coverage.
  • News Trend (Online News): See how your brand’s coverage trends over time.
  • State-wise Coverages (Online News): Break down your online news coverage by state.
  • Summary (Print News): A comprehensive look at your print news mentions.
  • Top Editions (Print News): Identify the top print editions featuring your brands.
  • Top Languages (Print News): Find out which languages your print coverage is appearing in the most.


Why You’ll Love the Face-Off Report:

  1. Easy Customization: Tailor your report to fit your specific needs and preferences.
  2. Comprehensive Comparison: Get a clear, side-by-side analysis of two brands.
  3. Actionable Insights: Use the detailed data to refine your PR strategy and make informed decisions.
  4. Quick and Convenient: Generate your report in just a few clicks and have it ready for download.

With Wizikey’s new Face-Off Report, comparing brand performance has never been easier or more fun. Dive into detailed, side-by-side analyses and gain the insights you need to outshine the competition. Try out the Face-Off Report today and see how it can transform your PR strategy!