Mariana started off as an economist in an investment banking firm, and then she moved to a technology company in Japan, started her journey into communications, and moved to the US thereafter. Right now, she is leading marketing and communication efforts as the Chief Marketing Officer for
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0:00I think it’s gonna be that continuing that solving for the challenge of understanding where do we find our customers, where do we find them so that we can really help them to solve the problems. So it’s gonna be a lot of that tracking you know, what is it that works? What is it that people want to talk about? What is it that they’re talking about?
0:30I am born in Mexico, then I moved to Japan, then I moved to the U.S. I actually started as an economist in investment banking completely different. Then I was in Japan, so I went to run in a couple of companies.
0:45I moved into technology, business development, it became marketing, so it’s been a little bit of everything as I always tell people it’s never been like a linear thing.
1:02So I really started my career with regards to communications.
1:07When I was in Japan, I was running a company called serve cork.
1:12People didn’t know the japanese didn’t know the concept you know what is it that it was.
1:18So I actually took to even though we had a pr agency, but it’s a little like an old school, they were just placing advertisements a little more like an advertisement agency rather than appear one.
1:30So I took on calling all the different magazines Because you know it was, it was really geared towards entrepreneurs.
1:40So I went to find these 35 I guess you know magazines for entrepreneurs and I pitched them that this was incredible use a new concept and that and there were very open to the, to the idea.
1:54So you know, we’ve got to be in a lot of these, you know, expensive magazines.
1:59So that’s kind of how a lot of these marketing conversations started.
2:03And then I move into technology and started to do like the full spectrum of things.
2:14I think I can talk about two things.
2:17The first one was when I went to work for American financial systems, systems, and life insurance.
2:24So there was a lot of data to do underwriting and so on.
2:28But then after that, when I joined PTC,, which is my previous, my previous job, marketing was still talking a little bit about, hey, we did this activity and we had this webinar and we had this event and yes, people came to the wedding.
2:48Okay, and then what happened next?
2:51So that’s where you know, working for a very, very intelligent person, charlie a sick, we went to build this close look marketing concept.
3:03So for the first time we were able to really tie all the journey and being able to say, hey, this person who came to this event, then this is what happened, this is what happened.
3:16So that having a close look at data was kind of the beginning of me running much more data-driven marketing and organization.
3:28Everything got connected So well that at some point I used to run, I still remember those times, I used to run the full marketing review out of Salesforce dot com dashboards because everything was connected.
3:45So you could really say from this activity, this is exactly how the data happened and it translated into revenue.
3:53So that was kind of, it was it was primarily PTC that by developing this close look marketing concept that I started working very closely with data driven marketing department.
4:10Sometimes it’s not an easy one.
4:12I have to admit it because when you’re talking about stories, you’re talking, you know from a digital perspective, you’ve got to talk about your keywords, what are people talking about?
4:23You got to make sure that your messaging includes the keywords but also that tonality that human rights is a brand.
4:33So it’s really starting to put all these things together.
4:36I don’t think that we are at a perfect place just yet, but starting to develop your, your messaging based on, you know, what is it that people want to talk about?
4:48What is it that people need to talk about and the way that you transition from what they want to talk to, what you know that they need to talk about.
4:57It is through through data you start seeing what is it that they react better to you start doing your A.
5:04B testing so that you get into these campaigns that are extremely successful.
5:13I really like studying all the way from the, from the top of the funnel, you really need to get into your share voice.
5:21You really need to get into your keywords, you really need to get into your rankings.
5:26You really need to get into everything that starts telling that story, that corporate story, that awareness component from there.
5:35You really start moving into how many people attended your event then you start moving into your buying group.
5:44Are you really engaging and from engagement?
5:48I always talk about the two sides of the conversation is marketing engaging all the different personas that we need to be engaging because as you, as you know in the B2B space most probably I need to be engaging, I don’t know 10, 15, I believe that the average is 10 10 different personas in order to close a deal.
6:10So you start getting into are you, is marketing engaging all of them.
6:14So there is the awareness and keeping in mind that all these people like talking about different things in a different way.
6:21So it’s really measuring that engagement and then you’re talking about the cell engagement, its sales now engaging with what marketing produce so that you can really maximize your investments.
6:37We work very closely of course with google analytics that produces a lot of our top of the funnel we got data from different points, primarily trying to put everything through our CRM system so that we can get a full view and you know your voice components as a mirage provides me data for my keywords, my, my ranking, we work with companies that provide us intent data, so there’s there’s a variety of tools that we currently utilized.
7:14You’re doing a lot of work in, let’s say social media and yes, it will be ideal that when you put a post people very nicely, they click, they fill in the things, it goes into your CRM, that will be like, like a drink for everybody.
7:29But what happens when they just look at it and they’re like, this is interesting.
7:34Now, I’m gonna keep something different that tracking it’s complex and that is where I believe that a lot of the development in this space is gonna happen so that we can really become customer centric and we don’t make wrong decisions as to say, well social media didn’t work because people didn’t fill in the form.
7:56Well, the reality is that a lot of people saw it, they thought about it and then when you have a second touch from a marketing perspective, it was in their heads, but it doesn’t really mean that we were really able to track it.
8:09So I think it’s gonna be a lot of development on really getting the data that allows to choose.
8:15You know, what are those media outlets that we really need to be using what is a real messaging because if you think about it.
8:22Technology companies, we sometimes tend to be a little bit too product centric, it’s there’s always a tendency we like us, you know, a product pain shops and it’s not about that, it’s really about being value driven, what is it that we’re solving for by leveraging technology, but what is that business problem that we’re solving?
8:46So the more that we can find ways to be very data driven on how we make decisions on media outlets, how we make decisions on positioning, messaging, that’s where we’re gonna be seeing much more of the development going forward.
9:06I actually did a presentation yesterday for some youngsters at college, you know, studying marketing, I will say, first of all, follow your passion, you have to have a passion for the industry, that would say number one secondly big customer centric, it’s not about you, it’s not all the company, it’s about really helping customers, it’s about personalization, it’s about really being human, So that’s what I tend to talk a lot about that humanization of the brand, because at the end of the day, people buy from people so be very authentic, have passion and work hard that I believe is a formula