June 2, 2023 2 minutes read

Hey there, PR superheroes! Creating comprehensive coverage report can be time-consuming and tedious, leading to inefficiencies and delays in PR workflows. Manual data collection and formatting often result in errors and a lack of visual appeal, hampering the overall impact of reports.

But have no worries! We’ve got something magical in store for you: AI CoverageReport! It’s like having your own secret power to generate awesome coverage reports in a flash!

AI Coverage report features
AI Coverage report

Gone are the days of painstakingly piecing together coverage reports like a jigsaw puzzle. With AI CoverageReport, you’ll be soaring through the reporting process like a PR hotshot.

In just six minutes or less, AI CoverageReport generates comprehensive coverage reports, freeing you from the shackles of time-consuming manual work. Through powerful AI algorithms, this tool effortlessly finds links, tracks reach, and compiles data accurately, eliminating the risk of human error.

Certainly! Here are the steps to generate your AI coverage report:

Step 1: Log into your Wizikey Account.

Step 2:Go to the AI Coverage Report section and click “New Report.”

Step 3:Add your press release headline, brand name, and date range.

Step 4:Let our AI technology fetch relevant coverage for you.

AI fetching the coverage reports
AI fetching the coverage reports

Step 5:Review the generated report.

So now can be armed with the power of AI Coverage Reports! Buckle up and get ready to embrace the PR universe like a true superhero. Let AI Coverage report save you from the clutches of manual work.

Sign up for a free account to try it out yourself!